Monday, June 22. We learned airport curbside checkin personnel are independent contractors not employees of the airlines. So, if your flight is canceled before you arrive, they may not have the information to tell you. Our late evening flight evolved into a 5:30 am Tuesday flight. Following current flying recommendations to arrive two hours early means beating TSA and Southwest employees to work. It also means being first in line for TSA Pre screening.
Several blessings occurred as a result of the rescheduling. During the connecting flight from Las Vegas to Seattle, we sat next to a delightfully enthusiastic young woman who had lived in Seattle. Jessica told us all about her favorite places and things to do. Had we taken the Monday night flight, I would have missed an experience that left me teary-eyed and awe struck. With a deep love for nature and an undergraduate degree in Geology, I was ovehelmed by the visual impact of the string of snow covered volcanoes which included Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainier. This time, I was saddened to have chosen an aisle seat and only my iPhone camera to capture the view.
Mt. Rainer (iPhone edited on iPad with Snapseed)
After gathering our suitcases and the Suburu Outback, in only moments we were breathlessly facing the powerfully imposing image of Mt. Rainier. No camera available since I was driving. I couldn't stop saying. "Wow ... Wow!"