Hollywood film locations are what make the Dingle Peninsula best known to many tourists – Ryan's Daughter, Far and Away, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (7). As it turns out, we were on our guided Slea Head tour of the Dingle when we were delayed by security guards because Star Wars 8 was actually filming.
We were finally allowed to pass, after being told to put "the camera down." Our guide was quite adamant about the request being ridiculous. Somehow, my camera captured this shot.
The set was on the other side of the hill. It was said the helicopters transport the actors to the sets from their lodging further inland. The celebrities are not staying on the Dingle Peninsula.
Some of those tiny people might be Star Wars stars. Is that Luke Skywalker?
Around the next bend, on another promontory, with the right camera equipment and a "little" editing ...
Star Wars 8 filming on distant promontory
The road is steel to protect the ground
Star Wars recreation of beehive huts on Skellig Michael Island.
Scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens (7) were filmed on Skellig Michael. Recent winter storms caused serious damage to island structures, not the beehive huts. Delayed access may be the reason facsimiles were created. Visits to the island were not reauthorized until only a couple of weeks ago.