Great People

Connemara people are wonderfully friendly and willing to help: Eileen McDonough, our host; the couple who own the village quick market; waitresses; shop owners ....

The tyre shop is the small metal building in back

The tyre shop is the small metal building in back

​The morning of our first full day in Kilkieran, we started out early stopping for gas right away. We discovered a large bulge in the tire. It was obviously too hazardous to drive on. Must have resulted from my driving to close too the left edge of the road. Typically, Irish roads have little to no shoulders, hazards hidden at lane edges and incredibly narrow roads for the speed vehicles are traveling. That and Americans quickly drift left when oncoming traffic is over the line.


 The tire needed replacing and Ronan Dowd was right out back. He loaned us a new tire that was slightly too wide until the correct size could be delivered the next day.

Since I do not tend to photograph people, please enjoy this sunset and panorama.

Near Recess, Ireland

Near Recess, Ireland