May 9, 2016
The flight from Atlanta to Paris was easy. Our transfer and four hour layover in Paris provided enough time for a Security recheck and breakfast in this beautiful international terminal.
Paris International Terminal 2E
The plane to Dublin was MUCH smaller. I sat next to a young man in the Irish Army. Turned out he was originally from Maryland. Evidently his father was Irish which must have provided him Irish citizenship.
Dublin International Airport
Appropriately, the weather when we landed was cold and wet. Passport control was fairly quick since the majority of passengers were Irish.
View from our lodging.
We are staying in Kilkieran (Cill Chiaráin) a village in County Galway, Ireland. Note the blue dot on the left side of the Google map (west coast) below.
I'll speak to the challenge of driving on the left side of the road, soon.
It was our understanding that we were booking the smaller unit behind and to the left in the photo. However, since the summer holiday season is primarily only July and August, our host gave us the entire B&B all to ourselves. (Perhaps this is because she also booked the other unit.) After a tour of the home, Eileen was off to her home in Galway. I doubt little has changed since her grown children spent their family holidays, here, many years ago. Unlike many sterile vacation properties in the U.S., this one is very homey and "warm" in the nicest way.
This western district of Ireland, Connemara, is best known for its marble. It has a beauty all its own that may be lost on many visitors. Trees are rare. Rocky ground is an understatement.