Connemara is a district west of Galway. It is rocky and it is beautiful. Visiting in early May is ahead of the deep green hillsides of full on Spring, but the topography is truly stunning in its ruggedness.
Rugged Connemara
Yet, new life bursts from harsh land.
Where there is depth, the soil often appears to be peat. There is a spongy sensation while walking on it. Here, the chunks have been harvested, cut from a trench several feet deep. Turf cutting vs. protecting bogs is an environmental, political, economic and emotional issue. Loss of family tradition and a less expensive source for heating create financial hardship. Generations of family turf cutting have created an important habitat in addition to that of pristine bogs. The greatest damage is often attributed to commercial rather than individual harvesting.
Connemara Bog
Not that other energy sources are without controversy.
Across Galway Bay